NC-RETS Subscribers
We hope your summer is going well. We would like to let you know about some updates on the NC-RETS Program:
Change Request Review
I have attached the following change requests for your review. If you have comments on these changes, please provide them to the NC-RETS Administrator, Bryan Gower by Monday, August 4th. If no substantive modifications are received for these Change Requests, the North Carolina Utilities Commission Staff and APX will schedule the next NC-RETS software release.
Next NC-RETS Stakeholder Meeting
The next scheduled NC-RETS Stakeholder meeting is August 19, 2014. Because we are reviewing the change requests with the subscribers via email, the North Carolina Utilities Commission Staff is considering canceling this meeting. If there are topics you would like for us to discuss during a Stakeholder Meeting, please provide these to the NC-RETS Administrator, Bryan Gower If no topics that merit a Stakeholder Meeting are received by Monday, August 4th, the August 19th Stakeholder Meeting will be canceled.
New Website
We are pleased to announce that the NC-RETS website has been updated. The most substantial improvement is the login to NC-RETS is now accessible via the website without being redirected to a login screen. If you have bookmarked the login screen, please visit to re-bookmark your login page. The website pages (i.e. Resources, FAQ, News and Events) are accessible in the menu bar located at the top of the page in a format that should be familiar to you. If you have any questions or need assistance navigating the website, please feel free to contact the NC-RETS Administrator, Bryan Gower or by phone: 888-378-4461.